Donin, Carol Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:26 AM
To: Crystal J. De la Cruz
Per your request, below are the per diem rates for the 3 developmental centers. These are the full cost rates and are inclusive of Medicare Part D and the ICF-MR Provider Tax. The per diem rates cover habilitative services, medical services and medications, dental services, all special therapies, adaptive equipment, nutrition, etc.
Caswell Center: $606.36
Murdoch Center: $536.36
Riddle Center: $482.36
Additional information may be requested through the DHHS Public Affairs Office, attention Julie Henry. Ms. Henry’s email address is
Thank you.
Carol Donin
Team Leader, Developmental Centers
3006 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-3006
phone: 919-855-4700
fax: 919-508-0955
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