24 May 2012

email to Rep. Tricia Cotham

Representative Tricia Ann Cotham, from Matthews, NC has served 2.5 years in the NC House representing District 100 (Mecklenburg County). She is a member on the Health and Human Services Committee and Vice-Chairman of the HHS Subcommittee on Mental Health (both Standing).

From: Crystal J. De la Cruz  Tue, May 22, 2012 at 3:29 AM

To: Representative Tricia Cotham <Tricia.Cotham@ncleg.net>
Cc: "Crystal J. De la Cruz"

Subject: meeting request re: Medicad Waiver & special populations

Although I am not among your voting constituents, I am writing as a mother and advocate for a very special little girl, my daughter Isabel, and as a concerned citizen to respectfully request a meeting with you to discuss concerns regarding the new Medicaid 1915(b)(c) Waiver and the detrimental impact cuts in services and supports will have upon Developmentally Disabled recipients and their families. 

The vast majority of us currently receiving services for our children living at home already do not receive the level of supports we need to keep it together because we are unable to staff our needs with people we trust to care for a child who cannot speak to tell us what happened at the end of the day - because one can make more money stocking shelves than CAP direct care staff.

The vast majority of us have really wonderful case managers and qualified professionals who do not abuse the system, but rather go above and beyond daily to let us know they care; we could not have gotten this far without their support. These are the people who will be without jobs at the end of this implementation; many who also own small agency businesses which will not survive this transition.

I understand the economic crisis our State faces. It's a mess. What I do not understand is how we can continue to skim off the bottom, digging one hole to fill another... and why these innocent children must pay the price of the mismanagement of others? 

The DOJ found NC to be in violation of ADA and Olmstead. To rectify the improper placement of mentally ill citizens, DHHS plans to "deinstitutionalize" and reintegrate these individuals into more community supported environments... while recipients living at home with family or assistive living arrangements will not being afforded the necessary community-based supports to maintain present level performance and care so that families can keep them out of institutions. 

It is my believe that many of the members of the North Carolina General Assembly who sincerely wish to assure that the wellbeing of our most fragile of populations receive the proper supports and protections, despite their best efforts, are not receiving the most complete information from all stakeholders necessary to make the best possible decisions for all involved. True, it is not an easy system to understand, even for those who live and work in it. --All the more reason that after so many proven failures, we slow this train down, get it right, and make certain that we arrive at the destination intended. --All the more reason that those who will be most affected by these decisions and changes - the innocent and vulnerable developmentally disabled children and their overwhelmed and exhausted families - have a voice and that voice be heard.

Currently, our voice is NOT being heard. 

Currently, and perhaps most important of all, there are no appropriate appeal procedures in place for families regarding the care of their special loved ones and the hope of fail-safe due process protections are in dire jeopardy.

For your review, I have attached the letter and enclosures previously sent to Governor Beverly Perdue and members of the General Assembly earlier this year outlining concerns shared by many across the state. I would greatly appreciate any time you could afford me to discuss my concerns in more detail. I will plan to call your office for an appointment and look forward to the opportunity to meet with you.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention - on behalf of all special populations, and the families who love them.

Sincere regards,

Crystal J. De la Cruz - Hopper
Mother, Advocate & Concerned Citizen

When we allow the value of human life to be determined by capital gain, when we sacrifice the well-being of the most innocent among us to compensate our own shortcomings, and when we judge the worth of our most fragile, not by their character nor intention, but rather their abilities – We Are in Crisis.


"The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life . . . the children; those who are in the twilight of life . . . the elderly; and those who are in the shadow of life . . . the sick . . . the needy . . . and the disabled." 
--Hubert H. Humphrey

*As special parents, our perspectives, interests, and priorities in various issues surrounding NC's new 1915(b)(c) Innovations Waivers and the changes they bring to our families differ according to the unique needs of each of our children.

If you have something to share, email: no2nchb916@gmail.com