13 March 2012

email to Senator Tommy Tucker

March 13, 2012

Sent via email:

To: Senator Tommy Tucker with re-forwarded 02/25 email to Members of the NC Senate and attached letter and enclosures to Governor Perdue per request following the 03/13 Joint Legislative Oversight Committee Meeting on Health and Human Services:

Dear Senator Tucker,

I very much appreciate your taking the time today to speak with me briefly regarding my concerns as a parent of a beautiful little girl with profound developmental disabilities. I know how busy you must be and how full your plate as a member of the NC General Assembly, committee member and vice-chair on the various Health and Human Services related committees, so I value the time you spared for me to chat.

I realize the enormity of the issues at hand regarding the State's exhausted budget and I understand that there are no easy answers for the predicament we as a State have placed ourselves. It is truly frightening on many levels... Realistically, I understand that this train cannot be turned around this late in its travels; it has, after all, been moving in this direction for quite a few years. Though I sincerely believe the destination can be changed.

I am just a mother and advocate; I am only an expert in the life of my child and my role as her mother and protector, and as such am also at a loss for perfect solutions, however, I know very well what the answers are not, because I live it every day.

As mentioned, please see attached my letter and enclosures to Governor Perdue outlining in more detail my concerns and sharing an intimate glimpse into our life and a not-so-dissimilar story to many families across the State of North Carolina. Please, please take a few moments to read the words; they represent the lives of many.

Beyond my personal trials, I feel it's worth consideration that the impact of this new waiver's full implication upon our already strained economy is a topic that should be addressed... The reality of job loss for existing case managers as well as the many small provider agencies which will likely not be able to sustain themselves without the reimbursement rates for case management services. And of course, the effects of these changes upon the CAP workers we families depend upon for survival who already make next to nothing for the invaluable duties they perform, assuming we've found a good one... which I'm afraid goes back to personal trials.

I welcome you to contact me at any time should you have questions or if I can be of any assistance. I would very much like the opportunity to meet with you again for further dialogue at any time that is convenient for you. I can make myself available any time you're in Raleigh and would even be willing to drive to Union County. I work with my husband, a local small business owner, so that occasionally affords me flexibility - to love my child the best way I know how.

Thank you in advance Senator Tucker for your attention and consideration.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Kind regards,
Crystal J. De la Cruz - Hopper
Mother, Disability Advocate, & Concerned NC Citizen
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