13 July 2012

Call for FAN Workshop Proposals, MHAT

Call for Workshop Proposals for 2012-2013
Family Advocacy Network (FAN)
Free Workshop Series

Chapel Hill, NC - The Family Advocacy Network (FAN), a program of Mental Health America of the Triangle (MHAT), has issued a Call for Workshop Proposals for its 2012-13 free monthly workshop series for parents of school-age children who live with a mental health condition.

FAN is seeking experienced professionals to facilitate workshops on topics that include: mental health, psychopharmacology, special education, youth social and coping skills development, parenting skills building, family strengths building, parent self-care and partner relationship strengthening, anti-bullying, transitioning children and youth through critical years, independent living beyond high school, navigating the system of care and other related mental health treatment/diagnosis specific and service orientation topics.

Training facilitators should be experts working in the field with group presentation experience. Workshops are two-hours in length. A $75 stipend per workshop is paid to the facilitator. Trainings typically take place the second Saturday of each month during the school year, 9:30 to 11:30am at Freedom House Recovery Center, 102 New Stateside Drive, Chapel Hill.

To submit a proposal, contact Julie Bailey at julie@mhatriangle.org. Deadline for submission is July 31, 2012. Bilingual workshop facilitators able to present in Spanish are also needed.

Mental Health America of the Triangle (MHAT), formerly Mental Health Association of Orange County, is a 501( c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to serve as an unwavering voice of hope and source of support, education, service and advocacy for those whose lives are touched by mental illness and/or substance abuse. Community programs at MHAT are offered to area residents free of charge.