06 September 2012

Parent Correspondence re CAP MRDD transition

Fwd: Waiver Update: CAP-MR/DD to IDD

MaryKShort@aol.com <MaryKShort@aol.com>Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 7:37 PM
To: MaryKShort@aol.com
This is about the CAP-MR/DD to IDD transition ... not NC Innovations or MCO's!  It looks like the change to the IDD waiver (and the 40 hour rule) will happen on Sept. 28th for those of you still on the CAP waiver.  Remember:  You have a right to request a reasonable accommodation or an exception to the 40 hour policy under the ADA (American with Disabilities Act.)  You simply request the ADA exception with the reason WHY you need the exception.  You also have a right to request an ADA reasonable accommodation or an exception to the SNAP/SIS score guideline/limit on the amount of services that are "medically necessary for health and safety."  Katie SNAP's at a Level 3 and received Level 5 Home Supports, exception was granted for her medically necessary for health and safety level of services.  You can request an ADA accommodation to any rule, policy, procedure or whatever.  Only you know what it is that will truly meet the "medically necessary for health and safety" level of services.
For those of you who switched to the IDD services way back when (November?) and who have been working more than 40 hours BECAUSE the state was not enforcing the limit because the waiver was not CMS approved ... It is my guess that you will now be required to come into compliance or request the ADA accommodation.
Mary K. Short
828-632-5888 or 704-451-4144 (cell)

From: Connie.Martin@cms.hhs.gov
To: MaryKShort@aol.com
Sent: 9/4/2012 10:43:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: RE: Waiver Update: CAP-MR/DD to IDD
Good morning, Ms. Short,
Ms. Johnson left DMA a couple of months ago to take another position in the community according to the outgoing voice mail on her old telephone number.  At the end of June, CMS granted the NC DMA another extension to run until September 27th, 2012, so there have been no gaps in coverage.   CMS has recommended approval of the waiver renewal and it is going through the sign off process now. 
Thank you,
From: MaryKShort@aol.com [mailto:MaryKShort@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2012 7:26 PM
To: Martin, Connie L. (CMS/SC)
Subject: Waiver Update: CAP-MR/DD to IDD
Hello Connie.  I wrote to NC DMA (Susan Johnson, below) asking about the CAP-IDD waiver and have not heard back.  A number of families have asked me I knew for SURE that the CAP-MR/DD to CAP-IDD waiver had been approved by CMS or if there was an extension.  In fact, DMA's web site only officially lists the extension to the end of June!  That would imply there is no CAP-MR/DD or IDD waiver.  Please let me know where it stands.  Thank you.
Mary K. Short
828-632-5888 or 704-451-4144 (cell)

From: MaryKShort@aol.com
To: susan.e.johnson@dhhs.nc.gov
Sent: 8/30/2012 1:47:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: CAP-MR/DD to IDD
Is the MR/DD going to IDD on October 1st or not?  I can't find anything in a Medicaid bulletin or Update ... I only see IU #92 that said until 6/29/12.  What's up?
Mary K. Short
828-632-5888 or 704-451-4144 (cell)